Moved Out Of The House And Starting Over

Goodbye clown house! Made it to the house in SC at 10:15 AM! Kids grow up fast and when they move out and leave you behind you will miss them. If you are a single parent then you really feel the impact of empty nest syndrome. Selling the house and moving is what had to be done and was a process that was started months ago but was delayed due to the pandemic. Life in Florida and South Carolina is now beginning. Leaving the house behind to new owners who one of them is a former US marine and now is settling down with his teenage boys who are into wrestling and weight lifting. I guess you could say there will be no more clown house since I no longer live in the clown house as of today! Goodbye creepy clown videos! Check out Omar Gosh on YouTube His channel OmarGoshTV his family channel The Omar Gosh Vlogs You may have seen us on all4TubeKids which was a YouTube channel featuring Roland and Brianna. Creepy clown videos taken over the videos so people only watched for the clown videos which caused that channel to fall apart. This channel is not for kids under 13.

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