Creepy Clown Stalkers Terrorizes My House In Georgia Again and I'm Angry! CAUGHT ON RING CAMERA!

One clown was bad enough but now two of them breaking in the house! Spring break 2024 has come and gone and then I get upset over this situation involving creepy clowns which has gone too far. I have been dealing with creepy clowns for years due to the kind of scary clown videos that I used to upload which got the attention of some stalkers who thought it would be amusing to terrorize people wearing a creepy clown costume. This has gone too far. This clown drama has to be tackled and put behind me so I can work on my happiness. This time my Halloween props that I set for Halloween turned to life and started sneaking around my new house. I caught this on both ring camera and my own phone camera..I would rather have Pennywise come visit instead of some psycho in a clown costume. There is a possibility that this could be ghosts possessing that clown costume. This is not All4TubeKids anymore so it needs to stop! My friends are my family and now I am lonely again since my friends left last week. Do you think ghosts are hiding behind these clown costumes?
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