Creepy Clown Livestream Leads To Thief Casing My House To Steal Valuables? TRESPASSER ALERT!

When total strangers online seem unusually fixated on YouTube content creators personal finances including the disposal or transfer of assets may be a red flag indicating that such strangers may be phishing for personal financial information, or waiting for a response to see if such YouTube content creators will inadvertently divulge any personal financial information in response to such remarks in an attempt to validate their financial status which may be contradictory to any financial remarks directed towards such YouTube content creators. Looks like there is a stalker who is casing my house with intentions to break in and steal from me when I am not home. I received good advice from a friend of mine informing me the possibility of a thief casing my house trying to see what room I have expensive consumer electronics such as video cameras, music equipment, computers, ETC. She said there were suspicious comments asking to look at some cameras in the camera room and there were other comments and remarks about money and finances from other viewers which all seem odd and could be a way pf phishing for financial information. I made a recent video and these were common questions. associated with that video. Did I sell my house up north and my Corvette or did I lose it due to foreclosure and repossession? and repossession why did the creepy car return? I did make a video about this the other day, and there were some questions whether or not I still had my old house up north and whether or not there are creepy clown still stalking me. I have talked about the kinds of content that I upload on this channel over the years and I feel that sometimes it can be quite boring to sit through me talking about it so it's common for everybody to skip right to the good part of the video missing out on important information about whether or not the content that you see on my channel is all real or partially real or scripted or a reenactment or whatever else it could be. Today you will know exactly what happened in regards to the house in my Corvette that I had and also the Tesla that I made a video about selling.. I also did mention selling my musical keyboard and camera equipment a few years ago, when things have changed in my life due to some medical emergencies with an individual who I have known for a long time, and there were some unexpected medical bills, and other circumstances that changed the direction of some things in my life.

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