When Life Was Happier Before Failure! I Reveal The Name of Who's Tearing Apart Our Family

YouTube events are fun when your life is going in a good direction and you are proud of where you are in life but sad when your life and YouTube channel is falling apart.. . You want to know who is trying to come between this family and divide us? I share that name in this video after sharing with you how simple and happy my life was before I failed. It makes me sad to think of how good things were when we went on family trips to events like this. There was a time that this YouTube channel was actually relevant and I felt like I was actually not a loser. I feel so differently about myself now since I feel I have failed along with all my YouTube channels. I only made YouTube videos because I thought that everyone in my family was really enjoying the fun hobby and those trips to the beach and other fun places was a way to spend quality time with family. Who in the right mind would want some babysitter raising their kids while working for some company that does not give you the freedom to raise your kids and protect them from the dangers in this world? I have always put my kids before my own life and everything I did was to create family memories. Sad that some don’t appreciate the good things I do and they can’t get over the past where there were lots of misunderstandings and drama in the family and with friends. We are all human and we do make mistakes and I never made decisions that I felt would leave out my family. Everything I benefited from when working my but off went into spending time with my kids and traveling places. You will have people try to manipulate your family and try to break a family apart to prevent one from moving on and getting married but in this situation the problem has to do with the name of you know who that I will mention in this video so watch it before jumping to any conclusions,. Once again I have people whoo spit on me by watching my YouTube videos but they are wasting their time because there is a difference between YouTube and our real lives and there is no telling when something is just created for entertainment purposes. As of June 2021 I have been as transparent as ever about my life and I am struggling financially and it sucks that I have failed and become a nobody. I have trust issues which is why I don’t let many people into my life since I feel they will take advantage or me or extort me for money that I don’t even have. We had an amazing time meeting all of you and thought we would share the two days of excitement in this video! One of our subscribers we had some time with was Annie Leblanc from the YouTube channel Bratayley and we met other amazing people such as Jacy and Kacy and SmellyBellyTV, there are too many creators and fans to mention so be sure to watch!! You might have seen us there if you came to Orlando Florida! Annie Leblanc from Bratayley singe on stage at Playlist Live! She has an amazing voice.

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