After What Happened We Don't Trust Anyone So We Increased Security Surveillance In Our New Home 😕

The decisions we made for YouTube content has complicated out lives and created uncertainty for our future. We had to move into a new house due to financial reasons and the reasons which made life difficult. you may have noticed many prerecorded Tik Toks, instagram videos and YouTube videos causing you more confusion so there is a good explanation in this video about why you are seeing some older pre-recorded clips from before we moved. There were many things not shared on YouTube about why we had to move several times until recently. When you lose trust in people na you can't even walk at night without looking over your shoulder or having friends check on your house all the time. Now have 10 security cameras and I know for some this is way too many but after moving someone spotted us in our new place. Our new life near the beach does not have to be so complicated. There were teenage stalkers who were wearing clown costumes mocking us for the clown videos we uploaded but that is the past and we want to move forward and not talk about creepy clowns unless it is a visit to the haunted clown cottage. Family time is the most important time! Keep in mind content in this video jumps around in time and some goes back as far as 2017 while some content was recorded today on September 23, 2021.

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