Creepy Clown Gets Hunted By Dad after Breaking in Our House!! Stalker On The Loose!

Scary creepy clowns have been popular back in 2016 and you can see we capitalized that trend the best we could and I feel there is hope to squeeze more out of this so that I can pay some bills with creepy clown money so I don't lose the house and become homeless.. When the creepy clown videos were trending in 2016 this channel blew up and was hitting number one on the charts but sadly 95 percent of the videos were demonetized so there was no was to earn any revenue for all the hard work put into making those videos. Now that YouTube has changed their system there is a second chance to reap the befits of such content in hopes to pay the mortgage and electricity bill and put food on the table since my regular job which is three jobs involved with my own business has failed following the pandemic last year. Obviously there are no stalker clowns coming around in 2021. Stalker clowns do still get searched on Google and YouTube so if there is a last chance for hope you better believe I will go for it. I can't be any More transparent than this. So now you know why I still upload clown videos 4 or 5 years later. Hope this makes more sense.

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