It's Time To Leave This Crazy Place NOW! I'm Glad It's Over!

I'm ready to go! I am glad to hear that we can leave now. I really don't like it here anymore. Too many creepy people and it's too crowded in this part of Florida. I am so glad we do not have to live out in this part of Florida. Dad's work contract with the construction company is finally over after a month. Northing Florida is calling our names again! I wish Gordon Ramsay from Kitchen nightmares would try the food we cook here! ❤️ I love all of you all more than you know. I will be reading the comments and responding as well. Rate and comment so I can feel the positive energy! GoFundMe is a great alternative to super chats since people have been dealing with super chat issues lately. Feel free to support my YouTube channel by super chats or make your contribution through my dad's GoFundMe campaign which supports my channel and a small portion of that supports my dad's channel as well. GoFundMe - http://bit.ly/2M53gbd Your support of this channel and DevotedFamilyDad's channel means so much to us and please only donate if you are a parent or guardian or someone over eighteen. Neither of us are asking kids to help support our YouTube hobbies. See us at Playlist Live in Orlando Florida for 2019! Be sure to watch this video to find out the good new and where we will be going.

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