We Found a Crashed Drone in The Woods With Snacks Attached To It!!

We were on a road trip coming from up north on the way home when dad discovers an abandoned drone in the woods near a cornfield and this was not a usual drone since there were some things attached to it that you must see in this video! Talk about an unusual drone snack delivery! This was definitely a strange and unusual find. We are back at the old house again cleaning up so the house can be sold. Bought some nail polish and nails and had my nails done before leaving on the road trip. Keeping up with retainers requires lots of responsibility and it is not cheap to have replacements made. My experiences after having my braces removed. ❤️ I love all of you all more than you know. I will be reading the comments and responding as well. Rate and comment so I can feel the positive energy! See me getting my braces off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NokikYXfSAg
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