The Disappearing Doggie!

The Disappearing Doggie!The Disappearing Doggie! Emily and her friend Dotttie are hanging out enjoying lunchtime -- what could be more fun?!! -- when suddenly they catch Coco the dog eating their sandwich! Then Coco chases the cat around the couch... time for this little doggie to have a time out, locked in her cage! After catching some rays outside Emily returns from the backyard to check on Coco -- and she's VANISHED!!!! Is the doggie under the bed? Did Dottie prank Emily with a game of doggie hide and seek? Or could the little pooch be up on the... Click to find out!!! Will a broomstick get Coco back? Should they call the dogcatcher?! Maybe all that's needed is a good magic spell and a magic wand!

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