Scary Clown Stalker Wont Stop So We Made Some Family Decisions

Got a new package in the mail! Been having more issues with these teen stalkers trying to scare us with their creepy notes and scary clown costumes. We wont encourage them by posting more of the videos we recently recorded on YouTube until they are caught. They are possibly liking the attention by seeing what they do getting posted on our channel. Thought it was time to lay low so at our other beach house today as of late last night. Once things settle down with these teen stalker in killer clown costumes we will resume as usual. We will walk to our other beach house daily to check on things as we do our daily beach walks. Keeping in shape with my new FitBit charge 2 that I ordered. It is obviously not the end of the world a day after Fall. We are all still here except no clowns today. The End of The World or Our YouTube Videos? Scary stalker in our backyard leaving fidget spinner and SD memory card. Scary Killer Clown Stalks Us at Night at Our Pool Recording Videos
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